The Future
This is video was made for our younger voters, who stand to lose the most if Trumpism continues. Share with anyone you think will appreciate it. Here is a link to this video on Vimeo where you can watch, share, or download it:
Good for the Jews?
I really don’t like hearing fellow American Jews argue that Trump is “good for the Jews” and therefore everything else does not matter. Not only is he bad for Jews, but he is bad for everyone. Share with anyone you think will appreciate it. Here is a link to this video on Vimeo where you […]
Vote for Trump? I created this video just to send to people who might think twice about voting for Trump again. This has been placed in Facebook and is running as an advertisement in the critical swing states. Share with anyone you think will appreciate it. Here is a link to this video on Vimeo where you […]
A Spanish Language Video This video was targeted via Facebook ads to Spanish speakers in Florida and Texas. The text of the video in English is roughly: Donald Trump started his campaign with his statement that Mexican immigrants were rapists and murderers. When this offensive opening statement did not end his candidacy, but rather sent him to the […]
The Midwest 2020 Seems like the swing states will decide the 2020 election and the midwest are critical in the mix. Here is my pitch to the people of the midwest. Share with anyone you think will appreciate it. Here is a link to this video on Vimeo where you can watch, share, or download it:
Trump’s COVID Cluster I try to be neutral, purple, but the recent maskless activities that have led to the White House COVID Cluster have pretty much blown my fuses… Here is a link to this video on Vimeo where you can watch, share, or download it:
Make America Great Again?
I really did understand Trump’s call to make America great again, to go back to a simpler and seemingly better time. But you can’t go back, and when you look more closely you find that perhaps you don’t really want to. Here is a link to this video on Vimeo where you can watch, share, […]
Loving Our Country I have seen people upset when problems about our country are brought up, which I understand. But I think that in order to get past some of these issues we need to acknowledge them. Here is a link to this video on Vimeo where you can watch, share, or download it:
Health Care Here is my take on healthcare, which has been a bitter and divisive issue for years – and will continue to be so. Here is a link to this video on Vimeo where you can watch, share, or download it: Here is a direct link to the Facebook version of this: which you […]
Climate Change Politics Few scientific issues are political, but climate change is super-political. In this video I look at why this might be… You can view and even download this video here: and share wherever you like. And if you have not seen it, I highly recommend the video of Merchants of Doubt, and the book.